Ayer (... y por qué no decir, hoy) todos estuvimos escuchando In Rainbows. Durante las últimas semanas el track list de las versiones presentadas en vivo eran googleados y youtubeados a montones. Incluso la Rolling Stone (obviamente la norteamericana) se tomó el trabajo de subirlos todos, prolijamente organizados en video-live, como preview. Anxiety Disorders.
Hoy los blogs (y las revistas "especializadas") estallan de reviews (incluso... track por track!). Muchas de ellas lindando lo forzado, a la espera de mechar un "...para sorpresa de los fans" (...) ¿Tal cosa existe? Quizás sea mas justo pensar que Radiohead, mas que sorprender, suele llevar a un lugar que uno no sabía que buscaba. Y cuando estás ahí, de alguna forma, te sentís cómodo en la incomodidad.
Propongo un juego: describir un disco de Radiohead omitiendo "...suena a Radiohead".
Descartado el análisis exhaustivo de desglose.
In Rainbows, en síntesis, es un poco de vuelta a las melodías. Un poco menos de electro jugueteos. Los ambientes correctos. Mas directo de lo acostumbrado. Tal vez, mas facilmente digerible.
Jonny Greenwood para Rolling Stone:
Why did you choose to release the album this way?
Partly just to get it out quickly, so everyone would hear it at the same time, and partly because it was an experiment that felt worth trying, really.
Why the variable pricing?
It’s fun to make people stop for a few seconds and think about what music is worth, and that’s just an interesting question to ask people.
How would you respond to complaints about the sound quality — that 160 isn’t a high enough bitrate?
I don’t know, we talked about it and we just wanted to make it a bit better than iTunes, which it is, so that’s kind of good enough, really. It’s never going to be CD quality, because that’s what CD does.
What goals did you have for the album itself?
I suppose we wanted to get back slightly to Kid A in that we were spending longer experimenting and trying stuff out — it wasn’t so much of a performance-based thing, like Hail to the Thief. Other than that, it’s the usual thing of turning up with these songs and the pressure is, “Don’t fuck it up, don’t record them badly, don’t do bad arrangements of them, and do them justice.” So that’s what we’ve done.
¿Boicot a las multinacionales? ¿Libre acceso y generación No Logo?
¿Cuanto sale el álbum de tu banda?
Suenan como nadie suena. Drama progresivo. No mucho mas importa.
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